Italy promotes consortia for internationalization

March, 2014

The Ministry of Economic Development has issued a call for the distribution of grants in favor of the Consortium for internationalization, for conducting promotional activities in the year 2014. The initiative may also provide a valuable tool to enter the Chinese market.

The D.L. n. 83/2012, converted into Law n. 134/2012, established in Italy consortia for internationalization: these are subjects that relate to the “international diffusion of products and services for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as support to their presence in foreign markets, including through collaboration and partnership with foreign companies”. They do not need a minimum number of components or capital requirements; may meet consortia for internationalization: SMEs in the industrial, handicraft, tourism, agri-food and services based in Italy, creating consortia or cooperatives; public entities, banks and large companies (before excluded), but without being able to rely on contributions to cover up to 50 % of expenditure on projects of business networks (SMEs consortium, for a period of several years ). Consortia for internationalization represent an effective solution for businesses that want to face the challenge of new markets. The Ministry of Economic Development, to promote such initiatives, has issued a call for the granting of special benefits: the grants are intended to support the conduct of specific promotional activities of national importance, for the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises. These initiatives must be implemented by the Consortia for internationalization, including through network contracts with small and medium-sized non-consortium enterprises, provided their number is not prevalent than that of the associated companies involved.
“China is a pool of millions of potential consumers, far from been saturated, where there is a still wide room for those who want to conquer a market share. However, do not waste any more time, move immediately, but above all by the system, with a strategy and partner that know the market and its dynamics”.

Cristiano Fagioli

Team leader Progetto 100ITA

The project of internationalization must provide an eligible expenditure of not less than € 50,000.00 and not exceeding € 400,000.00; it must involve, in all its phases, at least five SME consortium members from at least three different Italian regions, belonging to the same sector or the same supply chain. The project submitted by consortia with registered office in Sicily and Valle d’Aosta may also have a mono-regional structuring, calling for the involvement of only firms with registered office in one of these regions. The project can also have a multi-year lasting, with a maximum three-year articulation, in which case the application for assistance must be submitted annually . The deadline for submitting applications is March 15, 2014. The projects which meet the requirements and providing an eligible expenditure of not less than € 50,000.00 and not exceeding € 400,000.00 are submitted to the evaluation Committee , established at the General Directorate for policies for the internationalization and promotion of exchanges . For the consultation of the call, please refer to the website of the Ministry of Economic Development.