
在这个部分,我们计划连接到关于中国一些详细的主题;一个潜 在的投资者应该是在打算在中国投资之前先了解他们。

  • Sino-Chinese Joint Ventures

    Before deciding to invest in China, the foreign investor must first make a fundamental decision about what form the investment should take: mainly, the investor can do it alone form a 100% foreign-owned entity ...
  • Vehicles to invest in China

    Foreign investors have several instruments for establishing in China. First of all, they must choose between entering the Chinese market by setting up an enterprise or through other forms of establishment ...
  • Comparing opportunities: China and India

    China and India are the two giants of Asian developing economies. According to International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is expected with + 10.04% of change in 2010 ...
  • Relations and network in one word: “Guanxi”

    “Guanxi” literally means "relationships", stands for any type of relationship. In the Chinese business world it is also understood as the network of relationships among various parties that cooperate together and ...
  • China invests in Africa

    China is investing billions of dollars in Africa to secure natural resources for the Asian giant's growing economy and build Beijing's political influence in the developing world. With China’s African Policy Paper, by ...
  • A new vehicle to invest in China: the Partnership (FIP)

    The Administrative Measures for establishing partnership enterprises in China, promulgated on November 25, 2009 and on force from March 1, 2010, are the first legal framework for foreign invested partnership (FIP) ...
  • New Regulations for Representative Offices in China

    The State Administration for Industry and Commerce (“SAIC”) together with the Ministry of Public Security issued, on January 4th 2010, a Circular regarding further strengthening the administration of registration ...