中国的合作伙伴 : 投资中国,在中国做生意,在中国咨询,使中小型企业国际化
According to statistics on foreign trade, the value of exports of agri-food products from Tuscany to China would have recorded an increase of 37%, after the success already represented in the previous months. This result is particularly due to olive oil, pasta and wine.
“The success of Italian business in China requires, more than is required elsewhere, the development of a strong national system who must learn to coordinate, to work together, to reconcile finance, manufacturing capacity and management know-how and above all be able to accept challenges brought by the competition”.
由于我们拥有专业人士和广泛的中国网,也叫作 " 关系 ",我们咨询公司能为打算投资中国的客户提供全方位的支持。而这(尤其是中小型企业)会使公司在中国做生意时的危险和失望减到最少。