Ihr Partner zum Investieren in China : China investieren, Business in China, Beratung über China, in China investieren, Internationalisierung KMB in China
According to the foreign trade statistics published by the National Bureau of Statistics of Italy for the month of February, the value of exports of Italian food products in China would have increased by 36.3%. This success was due in particular to products such as wine, olive oil, cakes and biscuits.
“Italy-China: a great potential to be tapped. They are not two comparable economies, but two economies in many ways complementary. China is now the third largest trading partner of Italy, in the near future may become the first. In recent years we have developed a traditional business rapport, but now we can make a quantum leap through a greater knowledge and a strong political dialogue.”
Unser breiter Network ermöglicht ein ausführliches Angebot an Beratungsdienstleistungen zur Investition in China. Wir helfen bei der Internationalization vom SME in China:
Unsere Beratungsgesellschaft unterstützt völlig in allen Schritten den Kunden, der in China investieren will. Dank unsereR professionellen Mitarbeitern und des breiten strukturierten chinesischen Network – “Guanxi” genannt – ist das alles möglich. Das erlaubt den Betrieben ( speziell das SME ), das Risiko und die Probleme zu unterbreiten, die bei einer Investition in China möglich sind.