中国的合作伙伴 : 投资中国,在中国做生意,在中国咨询,使中小型企业国际化
World Bank released new forecasts on China's economic growth, which should return a growth rate of GDP of 8.2% in 2012 and to 8.6% in 2013. The percentages, while remaining significantly positive, marking a slowdown compared to previous data, mostly a result of reduced investment and export demand.
“The current episode of cyclical weakness shows the limits of China’s export-, credit- and investment-led growth model (…). Strong progress on the structural reform agenda will help China achieve the objective of improving the quality of its development”.
由于我们拥有专业人士和广泛的中国网,也叫作 " 关系 ",我们咨询公司能为打算投资中国的客户提供全方位的支持。而这(尤其是中小型企业)会使公司在中国做生意时的危险和失望减到最少。